Monday, May 25, 2020

Describing Stylistics as a Concept in English Studies Essay

Describing Stylistics as a Concept in English Studies Definition Stylistics applies linguistics to literature in the hope of arriving at analyses which are more broadly based, rigorous and objective. The pioneers were the Prague and Russian schools, but their approaches have been appropriated and extended by radical theory in recent years. Stylistics can be evaluative (i.e. judge the literary worth on stylistic criteria), but more commonly attempts to simply analyse and describe the workings of texts which have already been selected as noteworthy on other grounds. Stylistic analysis in linguistics refers to the identification of patterns of usage in speech and writing. Analyses can appear†¦show more content†¦USE IN ENGLISH STUDIES Why employ stylistics at all in the study of English? Because form is important in poetry and language, and stylistics has the largest armory of analytical weapons. At this point, the study of language moves into either stylistics or literary studies. †¢ Stylistic analysis is a normal part of literary studies. It is practised as a part of understanding the possible meanings in a text. †¢ It is also generally assumed that the process of analysis will reveal the good qualities of the writing. †¢ Take the opening lines of Shakespeares Richard III Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York; †¢ A stylistic analysis might reveal the following points:  · the play is written in poetic blank verse  · that is - unrhymed, iambic pentameters  · the stresses fall as follows  · Now is the winter of our discontent  · [notice that the stress falls on vowel sounds]  · the first line is built on a metaphor  · the condition of England is described in terms of the season winter  · the term our is a form of the royal we In a complete analysis, the significance ofShow MoreRelatedLesson Plan in English2923 Words   |  12 PagesA Lesson Plan in English I (First Year High School) Prepared by: Aileen Mae A. Alug I. 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