Friday, August 21, 2020

What Two Major Topics Does the Essay Discuss?

What Two Major Topics Does the Essay Discuss?If you are in need of writing an essay on the Scarlet Letter and the Poughkeepsie letter, you should focus on two major topics. You should write about each topic in the order listed above. Then you will have two very good topics to use throughout the essay.When writing an essay on the scarlet letter, your first topic should be about three major topics. These include the 'problem of political education in the British colonies,' 'the problem of 'sedition' in the colonies'the legal framework for religious establishments.' After you address these topics in your essay, your next topic should be the 'problem of religious liberty in the colonial period.' The last topic will be about the 'genesis of 'the spirit of independence.' 'In addition to focusing on three major topics, you should also begin with a single paragraph on each topic. This will help make it easier for you to remember and present the information you want to convey in each paragrap h. As you read through the paragraphs, you should be able to identify with and empathize with your subject.One of the reasons that you want to focus on the history of the Scarlet Letter is because of the impact that it had on the creation of the United States. The Puritans wrote the letter in 1641 and, as well as creating this document, they influenced the U.S. Constitution. Today, the United States also values religious liberty and our Declaration of Independence.The problem of 'sedition' was another problem that existed in the colonies. Often, there were small groups of people that supported the Crown over the colonists, and these groups often joined together to try to bring about an overthrow of the Crown. Another problem that existed was that the Puritans did not support the King because they believed that he was an 'elder.'The next topic to address is the legal framework for religious establishments. This is very similar to the founding fathers' argument for religious liberty i n the Declaration of Independence. It was considered that the establishment of religion and the imposition of religion on a population was wrong. The courts eventually ruled in favor of the king's contention that this practice violated the rights of the colonists.Finally, the last topic you should discuss is the 'genesis of 'the spirit of independence,' ' and how it was related to religious liberty. As mentioned before, the United States has a number of religious denominations and there are many who believe that there should be no law against people who consider themselves Christians but they do not adhere to the beliefs of others. This has led to an 'us vs. them' mentality, where people want to discriminate against others based on their beliefs.When you have finished writing, you should look for something in the writing that represents the thesis statement. Once you have accomplished this, then you can move onto the next topic.

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